Time For Me


With our new empty nest I have time to focus on myself. 

I have created a virtual bulletin board to serve as my inspiration on Linoit. 

Me & My Daughter

Here is my
which focuses on me: 

my self care, encouragement and inspiration.


I encourage everyone to post your favorite inspirational message, video, or link! 



  1. Good afternoon Rachel,

    Just wanted to give you a heads up! I tried copying and pasting and this is the error that I received.

    The page you requested cannot be found. The link on the page you were browsing may no longer valid, or the entered URL address may have been typed incorrectly.

    To customers who tried to view a canvas:
    The canvas name may have been changed, or publicity setting of the canvas may have been changed and it may be no longer accessible.

    1. THANK YOU for letting me know! I will check it out!!


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