Social Bookmarking

I have been using a Social Bookmarking / Sharing Account for nearly ten years. Pinterest is a social network that allows the user to discover, save, and share their interests by “pinning” them to their boards. I use this app most often when meal planning and finding recipes to cook for my family & friends or to find inspiration in some area of my life. 

I have posted my Pinterest pincode on my Linoit bulletin board. 

 I have created several boards and the links beside them will take you to that particular board.




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Or you can view all my boards on my Pinterest account with this link:

I greatly enjoy Pinterest content. I also use it as a way to wind down at the end of the day and find inspiration in many areas of life. 

Other social Bookmarking / Sharing sites I have (which are arranged top down in order of which I use the most.) Check out and follow any of my personal and professional sites! 

I also manage a page for the Department of Applied Technology at Fort Hays State University.

Mostly, I use this for entertainment purposes. I have not created content or have a business account so I am unable to organize my "liked videos." I have found a TikTok organizational tool called PinTok that others might find helpful. Check it out!

While I use or am familiar with several different social bookmarking sites, the other Bookmarking / Sharing Account that I researched for this assignment was Pocket. 
Pocket is social bookingmarking service for discovering, storing, and sharing articles. It allows the user to save articles with tags to help with organization. The user can highlight key parts of articles. This app can be used on computers, Ipad, phones, and laptops and when logged to your site, one is able to view their saved content and pick up right where they left off. 

In this process I found several professional and education links that I found interesting that I wanted to share:

In my search and in learning about Pocket I found an interesting article for my colleagues at Fort Hays State University, including the instructor of this course! 😉

Pocket allows you to share articles with the click of a button to popular social media sites: including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter and LinkIn. One can also email links or recommend articles which is very helpful. 

I found that while Pinterest and Pocket are both social bookmarking sites; they are very different. Many posts on Pinterest (for me) are used to inspire me. For example, I will look for ideas when meal planning and not necessarily use the recipe. I also will see creative ways to paint my nails and pin those. I like that Pinterest "sees" what I pin and provides me more of those articles. 

Very differently, Pocket allowed me to find articles posted by many different new sources. I can search articles them by topic, which I found very helpful. While it seems ideal to have a set of colleagues, family members or friends on this app where you can share interesting articles and new information on common interests everyone is so busy in life. While I read several interesting articles I personally do not see that I would have any extra time to allot to this social bookmarking site. 
