This assignment seemed a bit overwhelming to me and I am not sure why since in the past, when my kids were growing up I took a TON of picture and videos at their ball games and then made them into a collection for each season. Here is the link to one of my first video created of my son's baseball team, the Hays Braves 2011. 

This was created with Windows Video Editor and then I had change in computers and in late 2015 I had to begin to utilize Kizoa; which did not even compare. 

This assignment made me go look for something besides Kizoa and I realized that my newer computer does have Window Video Editor! My kids are done with sports and I have not had a reason to utilize a video creation platform - wow, I am so impressed with this program! I am also happy to realize that I have access to it again! Here is my latest creation of our home update from pictures and video from 2020. 

Since I have used this program in the past I feel it was easy and similar to how I remember it working. When I had a question I was able to find a random You Tube video for help. 
I most defiantly will be using this program again!

The second video creating / editing platform I chose to use was Kizoa. As I mentioned earlier, I have also utilized this platform in the past for my kids' sport video and memories. It does what I need it to do; which is allow me to place all the pictures and videos into something for them access later & share with teammates. Here is a video of my son's senior baseball season.

Upon trying to log into my account I realized that in order to access or use the platform I would need to upgrade. I do not think I will use this program besides for trying it out for this course assignment, so I used my FHSU student account and created a new account specifically for this purpose. Upon creating an account; which consisted of typing in my email and entering a password the program asks if I want to use a template or work from scratch. I choose to use a template for this project. I uploaded all my pictures and videos. I easily added a title slide and credits and went to download my project. 
I got this message:
In the past, I have never paid for this program (and I had longer videos), so this must be new. I went back into my project and reduced my video down to less than one minutes since I have other creations using this platform. Here is my finished project with minimal efforts: such as not placing them in order, or adding text, etc. 

Harman House Update 2020 video - created with Kizoa.

Downloading the video look a less than a minute, but this was much slower than the other program. There are options to remove the logo (if you update). 

All in all, if your computer has Window Video Editor, I highly recommend using it for all the fine details, but you have random pictures and a project one minute or less the Kizoa template works quick!
