

For this assignment, the final one, for this course, we were asked to use Glide to create a mobile app. I was able to easily sign up with Google log in. Upon going to the homepage, I found Glide to to be well organized to get started. I found a video tutorial "Learn to Glide." Once I began working in the app I did find it a bit confusing to navigate and create and this may have been since I was not sure what type of app to build.  I have a couple of friends I imagine this could be a beneficial tool. So, I choose to develop a "property manager" app. The app will allow for property managers to track their properties including: potential and active revenue, open units, leases, tenants along with contact information, tasks to complete and the names of contractors to perform those tasks.  Obviously, the app is shareable and allows multiple users. I imagine that this would be helpful for the property manager contact person to use this app to document tasks that need to b


This assignment seemed a bit overwhelming to me and I am not sure why since in the past, when my kids were growing up I took a TON of picture and videos at their ball games and then made them into a collection for each season. Here is the link to one of my first video created of my son's baseball team, the Hays Braves 2011 .   This was created with Windows Video Editor and then I had change in computers and in late 2015 I had to begin to utilize Kizoa ; which did not even compare.  This assignment made me go look for something besides Kizoa and I realized that my newer computer does have Window Video Editor! My kids are done with sports and I have not had a reason to utilize a video creation platform - wow, I am so impressed with this program! I am also happy to realize that I have access to it again! Here is my latest creation of our home update from pictures and video from 2020.  Since I have used this program in the past I feel it was easy and similar to how I remember it worki


Our next assignment in BCOM 350 this semester was to create infographics using two different platforms.  For my first infographic I worked in Canva  and I created a simple infographic with steps to improve mental health.  It is difficult to read the site at the bottom. Here is the article I got the information:  5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing I have been using Canva for approximately two years in my work. I have a free account and while there are many more features that one can gain access with a paid account, this free account has easily met all my needs. I feel this is a very important feature since many times companies do not want to pay for programs like this one; or there just might not be funds to spend in this area.  For this project, I began by using a template in Canva. I then began work to edit the infographic with simple information to improve mental health.  Here is another clip of my work. For the most part, I was happy with my finished product. I would have wanted to figure

Google Docs

For my BCOM 350 course we were assigned four different tasks to complete inside Google Docs.  We had work in four different applications:  1. Google Sheets 2. Google Forms 3. Google Docs 4. Google Slides  The first was a spreadsheet in Google Docs. All information for the chart was provided by the instructor. I found this task to be fairly easier due to my previous work and school experiences using Google Docs. In addition, I have found Google Docs layout and functions to be very similar to those in Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, etc.)  I have nothing negative to report in my experiences with Google Docs. This was the first time that I have used it to create a graph and it is a feature that I may utilize on future projects; as it was very easy and it provided a very professional looking chart. I was impressed with the ease of the process.  Here is the link to my Google Doc "WannaGetAPizza"   Our next assignment was to create a form; which I have not done in the past.

Social Bookmarking

I have been using a Social Bookmarking / Sharing Account for nearly ten years. Pinterest is a social network that allows the user to discover, save, and share their interests by “pinning” them to their boards. I use this app most often when meal planning and finding recipes to cook for my family & friends or to find inspiration in some area of my life.  I have posted my Pinterest pincode on my Linoit bulletin board.    I have created several boards and the links beside them will take you to that particular board. Recipes: Fitness: Nails: Manage Your $: Or you can view all my boards on my Pinterest account with this link: I greatly enjoy Pinterest content. I also use it as a way to wind down at the end of the day and find inspiration in many areas of life.  Other social Bookmarking / Sharing sites I have (which are arranged top down in order of which I

Animation / Cartoon Creation

For this Learning Experience I created and composed with two different free online platforms. The first platform I chose was Moovly . In order to begin to the learn they provided a short 5 minute tutorial: "Getting Started with Moovly Studio," which was embedded right after logging in. I found this to be very helpful! After watching the video, in just a few short steps I was able to create a project, pick objects to add to the stage with the properties panel, add and adjust the text and arrange the placement of the text video objects and sounds by changing the timing the on the timeline. I have worked with a program before that used a short of timeline to "layer" objects, text, and sound so I found this quite easy to work in and create since it felt familiar to me. I do not have any negative to report on this platform since I also found it easy to download my creation to my Google Drive and save to my computer. The second platform I used was StoryboardThat . I had t


While my major is General Studies I am completing concentrations in Leadership and Psychology. In my work as an Administrative Assistant and in life I have found that quality leaders are essential to success of households, businesses, teams, in education … the world. Here is a short video, "Leadership Defined" by Dave Ramsey, just shy of eight minutes.   Or you can use the QR code:    After listening I encourage you to share your thoughts below.


HOW TO CREATE A FREE QR CODE AND MY RECOMMENDATIONS In an effort to reduce virus transmission many restaurants have moved to scanning a QR code which allows you read their menu. QR codes are an easy and quick way to get people information, literally right into their hands. I have tested two different sites and will review them for you. The first option I tried was QR Code Generator. I wanted to direct folks to the main FHSU page. So, I inserted the FHSU web address into the generator. It created the QR code. I went to download it which required a me to sign up. I did notice that it seemed that I could use the “snipping tool,” so I tested it out and it worked. The QR code from QR Code Generator has been inserted here.   This was a VERY easy process!   Next, I tried QRCode Monkey with very similar results. Again, this QR code will direct you to the FHSU website. While there were many options to set the color, have access to statistics, insert a logo or customize the d


In an effort to find a suitable free screen capture software for this BCOM 350 course I have spent time in three platforms: Capture, Screen Cast-Omatic, and VidGrid. With a simple click of a button, each software platform allows you to create videos and record activity on the computer screen and capture what you are doing with a voiceover, record a video of yourself with the use of a webcam or a combination of the two; so that it can be replayed. These software programs will be handy in a professional environment for training and education of colleagues and clients. First up was: TechSmith’s Capture . I found Capture to be quite a lengthy process to begin. One will have to download the software, which was several steps long and create an account. Once all that was done, I was able to follow some video tutorials, but I had to go search for them. The Capture icon was surprising to me because it was amazingly simple (and easy) to use.     Here is my video tutorial to help FHSU stud

Time For Me

  With our new empty nest I have time to focus on myself.  I have created a virtual bulletin board to serve as my inspiration on Linoit.  Here is my INSPIRATION which focuses on me:  my self care, encouragement and inspiration.   I encourage everyone to post your favorite inspirational message, video, or link!  THANK YOU!

Get to know me...

Hello, Everyone! My name is Rachel, I am a Hays native and I am a non-traditional student attending Fort Hays State University. I am a senior working towards my Bachelor of General Studies degree with concentrations in Leadership & Psychology. I plan to graduate in December 2022.  I also work at Fort Hays State University. I am the Senior Administrative Assistant in the Department of Applied Technology. (It is the BEST department on campus!) 😀 I have been working here for nearly seven years.  When I grew up I ALWAYS wanted to be a wife and mom. I have been married to my husband, Dusty for twenty-three years. We are recent empty nesters (which I was very worried about) with two young adult children who also live in Hays. We get to see the kids and their friends often! We also have two grand-pups - Chief and Duece.  I am using this new found time (not raising kids) to work on all areas of life. It is a new chapter that I am enjoying immensely.  My family Dawson, Dusty, R